FERST Logistics
Repositioning an innovative Automotive Logistics company
Creative Director:Alexandros Gavrilakis
Art Director:Anna Trympali
Photos:Giorgos Vitsaropoulos
The Client
Τogether, as a great team, FERST provides you with the best solutions in the field of Automotive Logistics. A family business, currently running under the second generation. Powered by more than 100 employees forming a well trained, highly efficient and super energetic team, providing excellent vertical services in two adjacent sectors: Finished Vehicles and After Market Vehicles. The company’s name conveys trust, stability and reassurance. We are FERST, we lead the way.

AG Design Agency studied the name and strategy, then created an identity that would stand out in a category overrun with symbols like arrows, roads and trucks.
We designed a unique, bold and distinct symbol that reflects our company’s core values: 1. Customer Focus 2. Team Spirit 3. Continuous Improvement 4. Sustainability

We are Flexible, we have Expertise, you can Rely on us. We embrace and truly support the Sustainable development. We are a team that you can Trust. We are FERST.

AG provided great branding service, gaining great feedback from the internal team and other collaborators.
The team provided smooth and fast peer-to-peer contact.
Dimitrios Kympizis
CEO Ferst Automotive Logistics

More case studies on branding.